We understand the challenges of everyday life for Little Dreamers and big ones too. When we created Hatch, our primary objective was to create and cultivate a magical world, which encourages positivity, imagination and mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a precious skill that will help teach our children to focus on what is going on around them. In creating these positive habits, it will encourage the positive development of their behaviour around other Little Dreamers too.

Mindfulness helps children develop social and emotional intelligence, resulting in greater self-awareness, less stress, higher levels of happiness and empathy’.

Goldie Hawn, founder of Mindup.

Now for the science, encouraging our children to embrace the present enables neural pathways associated with focus and attention to strengthen and grow.  Their ability to retain information increases and the shifting back and forth between tasks becomes second nature. 


Whilst bathing your little one take the time to talk about their day and the things that make them smile. A painting they did, a yummy cake they ate, or something as simple as a sneeze that tickled and made them laugh. Nurturing positive thinking in a child is a powerful coping tool and helps to build resilience.

Mindfulness can be incorporated at bedtime whilst snuggled up in bed. Using Hatch’s Star, sit your Little Dreamer calmly and encourage them to notice their breaths. Holding the star, start by tracing their finger down one edge and breathing in, pausing at the tip and then breathing out as they trace their finger up the other side of the star to the next point.  Keep this going until they reach the point where they began. This is called STAR breathing, a wonderful mindfulness technique for children.

For our littlest dreamers, you may want to simplify this by softly taking their hand and encouraging them to notice the beautiful embroidery on their star or simply count its points. 

Our routine not only helps our Little Dreamers develop new skills, it also encourages us Big Dreamers to nurture the precious moments so often lost at bedtime. Nurturing these precious moments and encouraging the simple things, are at the heart of our magical routine.

In joining the magical world of Hatch you are not only supporting your Little Dreamer, but also Little Dreamers across the land.  We will be donating a percentage of our profits to the wonderful charity Mind. to help support and promote the wonderful work they do.  For more info on Mind, visit www.mind.org.uk

